Monday, November 17, 2008

Don't neglect your lenses

I have been shooting quite a few senior photos lately and while shooting the other day realized that there was one very un-used lens in my bag. 50mm Everyone always raves about the quality of the 50mm lens and says that it is a must have lens for any photog. I would be inclined to agree. Mine unfortunately had been sitting un-used in my bag for quite sometime until a couple of weeks ago. I must say I am sorry I had neglected it. I always carry it with me but use my zooms more often than not. I forgot how great the shallow depth of field of the Nikon 50 f/1.4 can be and the great contrast if gives the photograph. I finally dug it out for a few shots on my last senior shoot and am glad I did. Below is an available light shot with my Nikon 50mm f/1.4. If you don't have a 50mm in your kit yet, pick one up. If you are short on cash then go for the f/1.8, even a used one. Nikon, Canon, Pentax, whatever you shoot, it's a must have. Those of you who have one already. Please don't neglect it.

Senior Shoot